We’ve known Beth a long time. She visited us when Moriah and Liam were young and we have photographs of her playing dress up with Moriah at a local Children’s Activity Center. My husband Josh has known her even longer than that - her whole life actually! Her family calls him, “JJ” and that was the first question Moriah and I got asked when we entered the bridal room, “Is JJ here??!” Moriah and I were honored and excited to document this incredible day for Beth and Jordan! JJ has prayed almost daily for Beth for many years to be able to get married to an amazing man and it’s happened! Jordan has a similar story and he sweetly told it at the reception! :)
Jordan and Beth first met when they were about 11 and 12 years old. They have mutual family friends, so one time, their 3 families went roller skating together, and then went to the Syversons' house. While they do not remember meeting each other, they do remember the day and playing with each other's siblings (Beth with Jordan's sisters Ciera and Tillie, Jordan with Beth's brother Tim). Fast forward about 20 years--they met online (EHarmony). They began talking in June 2021, messaged back and forth for a couple months, then stopped, taking a break to seek the Lord for His wisdom and direction. They picked back up in early November and spent about 6 weeks talking daily and getting together a few times. On Christmas Eve morning, Jordan asked Beth to officially start courting. Beth happily agreed. After 2 months of courtship, on February 24th, Jordan proposed in a beautiful gazebo, with twinkling lights and lightly falling snow. Beth quickly and enthusiastically accepted.
Their wedding day was filled with laughter, prayer and lots of happy tears! It was even emotional for me and Moriah!
Beth & Jordan ~ I pray you’re having a fantastic honeymoon! I can’t wait to watch as God grows you both together and towards him! We love you both very much! Enjoy your sneak peeks!

Did anyone see that Hot Air Balloons released in the middle of our Silver Lake photos?? So fun!!
P.S. Thank you to the “vendors”! Those that made the desserts - fabulous! The AMAZING wedding coordinator and florist and decorator, Bliss! Berean Community Church, the food people, and especially the family and friends of Beth and Jordan! You were all fantastic to spend the day with - beautiful inside and out! Blessings and hugs to you all!